what else do I need to do?

Thank you for turning in your staff application! Here are the next steps for potentially joining our 2025 Summer Staff!

1. Save the URL of this page to your phone or computer

  • That way, you can check back to see if you have completed all the steps.

2. Contact your references

  • Contact two references.

  • All references must be adults who are not related to you. One must be your Pastor or Youth Pastor.

  • Ask each of them to complete a recommendation for you. They can email this completed document to pbcutah@gmail.com or call Allen at (832) 778-9424.

Once your references get back to us, we will send you a contract and a checklist to complete before the summer. We will be in touch soon!

Further Information

Staff Policies: we will ask you to agree to abide by these policies once your application is completed.

Staff Compensation: financial details for your summer at camp are available here.

Packing List: here is a suggested packing list for staff.



Contact Allen Cover at (832) 778-9424 or pbcutah@gmail.com