Our financial partners enable real ministry every day.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian camp, we rely upon the financial gifts of God's people. Would you consider partnering with us?
If you prefer to give by check, please make checks out to “Pioneer Bible Camp” and mail to P.O. Box 262, Kaysville, UT 84037
Buy something from our wish list!
Pioneer Bible Camp often has specific needs. Help the ministry by purchasing items from our wish list!
Have Unused Vehicles?
PBC has a need for good used vehicles, especially 4x4 vehicles, OHVs, or RVs. If you are interested in finding out more about donating a vehicle, please email pbcutah@gmail.com.
Buy Coffee & Support PBC
Coffee Helping Camps has teamed up with Twin Valley Coffee to help camps all over the world, and provide you with great coffee at the same time!
Twin Valley Coffee’s mission statement, “Excellence Beyond The Cup!™”, is held as the uncompromising standard. After you’ve had your first cup of Twin Valley Coffee, you will be “ruined for the ordinary.” Average coffee will no longer be acceptable.
Please help Pioneer Bible Camp raise funds for special projects while drinking some of the best coffee on the planet!
Here's how to take advantage of this unique opportunity. First, visit Coffee Helping Camps and select your brew of coffee from the 15+ choices. Once you've loaded your cart with your choice of coffee, select Pioneer Bible Camp as your camp to support. Finally, enjoy your delicious coffee and be assured that any support that Pioneer Bible Camp receives will be used for the furtherance of the gospel in Utah.