Katie Kramer

Katie has been a blessing as year-round part time staff since January of 2022.

Ministry Focus

Katie is the Administrative Assistant at PBC with responsibilities in the following areas:


Katie is a willing servant as she helps organize and clean facilities before campers arrive.


During the summer, Katie is involved in many office responsibilities, including check-in, assigning cabins, and keeping accounts balanced. During the year, she helps with recruitment documentation and keeps up with communication on the camp email.


Katie serves in the kitchen, helps recruit local staff, and serves behind the scenes for our fall and spring retreats. She also helps in our General Store and wherever else there is a need.


Katie grew up attending Emmanuel church in Bloomington, IN. Katie made a profession of faith at an early age and gave herself to Christian service while attending college. Katie received a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible and Theology and Camp Ministry from Appalachian Bible College. While she was at ABC she served two summers at Alpine Bible Camp on their op-staff team. She began serving at PBC the summer of 2018. She has served in the following roles: housekeeping counselor, 6 month intern, kitchen staff and office staff. She moved out to Utah in January of 2022 and joined the year round staff at Pioneer as the Administrative Assistant.

Katie currently lives in North Ogden and works part time as a custodian. She is a member of Kaysville Bible Church where she is getting involved in different ministries. She desires to use her gifts to serve others at Pioneer Bible Camp.

Partner with Katie in Ministry

PRAY FOR katie

Please pray for her as she seeks to raise support and advance God's kingdom in Utah. To keep updated with what God is doing, sign up for her quarterly email updates below.


Katie accepts donations from churches and individuals. To support her monthly or give a one-time donation, choose one of the following options.

Select “Part-Time Year Round Staff —Katie Kramer”

Mail a check: make checks out to “Pioneer Bible Camp” and mail to P.O. Box 262, Kaysville, UT 84037. Please include a note with your check indicating that you would like your gift to go toward Katie’s support.